Revisiting Villa Savoye
This presentation was completed in 2007, as a part of a research project titled “Analytical Visuals in Architectural Design Studio”. We decided to use Le Corbusier’s Villa Savoye as our actor, trying lots of different visual effects and techniques to understand and express its fundamental design principles. Below are some of the elements we used in the project: some renders and panoramas along with a small video experiment. Modeling was based on various models and technical drawings of the building found around the internet, and changing / modifying / re-modeling parts of them to meet our purposes regarding details, level of abstraction, and overall quality visual perception. 3D Studio Max, Vray, and Vraytoon are used in this project.

You can click on the panoramas to see bigger versions. We tried to make *.mov files and a promenade study using these.
Here is the 3D Studio Max model if you want to check: [MAX File]