Tumbler Brick Wall

There are a couple of experiments in different schools about organizing free-form surfaces (walls here) with a composition of modular elements (bricks). Even though they created robots to make such brick walls, I still couldn’t understand why. Although creating a parametric model that calculates the exact locations of bricks, seems very easy at first sight, there came severe problems to solve in order to achieve a correct layout without using helpers such as physics engines. Of course, it’s possible to achieve this simply with a projection from a single direction, however, I wanted to develop a parametric model that also works when the “wall” tumbles. That led us to the problem of equal subdivision of surfaces in Grasshopper.
Here is an old definition. You can download the Grasshopper document here, [2012_01_07-tumbler] and the Rhino document here; [2012_01_07-tumbler]. The “tumbler brick wall” should be studied deeper into calculating the angle, direction, and brick layouts of original masonry techniques.