Truchet Patterns
Below is a classical Truchet Patterns example we used to discuss in design computing class. Now, we can create a much faster and cleaner definition using the newly added Array component. The new version of Grasshopper brings several important features: Patch surfaces and date/time components. We used to implement a VB component to create simple clocks that measure temporal operations in Grasshopper. Parsing and executing MusicXML and related applications were based on that. Now I see there is a whole component tab, dealing with time-based issues in Grasshopper. The second and more important component was the special surface construction method of Rhinoceros, the Patch command is now available in Grasshopper. I also see an “Array” tab in the Transform panel, which is another big improvement. Besides that, the help reference documentation of Grasshopper is still not sufficient.

Here is the definition:
Below is a more sophisticated version if you want to play a little more:

These patterns are good exercises and also nice designs suitable for tilings on the floor and walls. I’m glad I can study some of my projects better with this new version of Grasshopper. Thus, I hope that more interactive definitions will come soon.
You can re-build the last definition by looking at the images above. However, if you liked this content and want to support this website by downloading my Grasshopper file; would you consider being my Patreon? Here is the link to my Patreon page including the working Grasshopper file for the Truchet Patterns and more.