Tree of Life
This Grasshopper exercise is a special one. I used Hoopsnake components to develop the branching design I studied earlier here. This time I multiplied the number and orientations of several tree structures to generate my interpretation of the Tree of Life. The challenging part of the algorithm was to finalize every branch tangent to a predefined circle. Group 3 handles this issue by utilizing a Blend Curve component. There are many Number Sliders to play with the design. Thus, I think this became a very flexible and interesting code. You can generate an infinite number of trees with this algorithm. In the future, I may try to find a way to produce them with a laser cutter.

According to
“The Tree of Life is an essential symbol of many theologies, philosophies, and mythologies. It signifies the connection between heaven and earth and the underworld. Gustav Klimt illustrated the same concept in his famous mural, The Tree of Life, Stoclet Frieze. For Klimt’s admirers, the mural also has another significance, being the only landscape created by the artist during his golden period. During that time, Klimt used oil painting techniques with gold paint to create luxurious art pieces.”
You can rebuild the definition by looking at the diagram above. By the way, notice that you will need a Hoopsnake components add-on for the looping parts. However, if you want to support this website by downloading my Grasshopper file; would you consider being my Patreon? Here is the link to my Patreon page including the working Grasshopper files for the Tree of Life and more.