The term “hexa” generally refers to the number six, derived from the Greek word. It is commonly used in mathematics, geometry, and other scientific fields to indicate six-sided shapes or structures. A hexagon is a polygon with six sides and six angles. It is one of the regular polygons, meaning all of its sides and angles are equal. A hexahedron is a polyhedron with six faces. The most well-known example […]
Posts with the keyword hatch
This is a simple trick that shows the utilization of the “surface split” component in Grasshopper. It is used for detecting the inner regions of any given two-dimensional linework. Thus, it resembles the hatch boundary detection of AutoCAD and similar software. There is no built-in hatch component in Grasshopper. But maybe you can use this as a starting point if you want to develop it. The definition starts with drawing […]