Smooth Sketch Data Recorder

Here is a funny sketching system for the “SPEC” homework. [GHX: 0.8.0066] Four (or more) points are created using 2d sliders (MD slider) and decomposed these points into x,y and z numbers. Then, they are re-populated in 3d points by changing their plane. X coordinates are connected into Y, and Y coordinates are connected to Z’s. Tricky part comes then, the X number is defined by a serie of numbers started from 0 to 30 by 1. After that, polylines are constructed using the new point list. Data recorder is initialized to record last 30 data changes (your manipulations at those four MD sliders). Up to here, all possibilities are constructed as polylines and it is not possible to distinguish the branches of the tree as they are all similar. The famous “Item” component comes to our help. Sequential items (from 0 to 30th) at all branches are selected here. Remaining components are hidden (preview off) to see the selections of the item component.

This is the type of definition I love. It’s simple, fast and it does solve a problem by animating it’s parameters, just like sketching in digital environment. Some other uses of Grasshopper, especially using it to create only a single geometric model seems not worth giving time, I think. However, I first imagined this animating sketch and thought it is possible in Grasshopper. Then, playing with data recorder opened up some new ideas to me. After a couple of dead ends, it found it’s place and created a huge shift within this design system. I hope they won’t cancel data recorder but improve it.