Revit Annotation Components
I’ve been carried away by a design competition since 10 days. This is a multi-function building with 20.000 m2 floor area. This is the first time I’m trying to design such a large space completely in Revit Architecture. Below are two small modifications I’ve made to meet Turkish annotation standards. Especially the elevation tag is very different from original Revit component. Room tag is also modified because the multi-function buildings usually have complex room organizations grouped in departments. So I decided to modify these two components and start to create a template document for myself. Here are the files if you’d like to use them too: [Revit 2012-Class: Level Head] and [Revit 2012:Class: Room Tag]

I’ll present the final design, if I manage to finish it. I’m thinking about the use of Grasshopper in facade design. However It’s a very common use nowadays, maybe I should not focus on “the sole use of Grasshopper”, rather, the overall look and function of the real building design.