Prototype Cut-Fold

Inspired by this cut-fold pattern, we developed a prototype with Fulya Akipek. The first experiments were made from 3mm thick foamboards and they worked very well with 50×70 plates. However, when the project gets bigger and bigger, we needed to add a joint detail and use 5mm thick foamboards to achieve our goal (that is to develop a 1m by 2.5m shutter system). Then, we tried to animate its folding behavior by adding an Arduino setting with one motion sensor and a standard 11kg-cm torque continuous servo. This was another prototype we introduced at the “Animate Patterning” workshop, where students developed advanced versions of this system. This is the first try. More tests in different material thicknesses and patterns. First working prototype from 3mm foamboard and a regular cut pattern. It was small enough to form without a joint, we just score the edges so that they would rotate. However, for the bigger tests, we needed to put hinges in order to sustain structural stability. This is the standard regular pattern and plates to be sent to laser. Below is the final outcome. Then, we added a simple Arduino setting, including a light sensor and a continuous servo. Here is the result: