This is the third and the last project of the Infections workshop conducted at YTU this week.
The conceptual Framework is developed by Betül Dönmez (DEU). In this project, the host body is infected by high fever and pressure and changes its solid phase into plasma. The solid molecules of the existing body transform to become plasmatic. This substance can react to various movements around it. When someone comes close to the wall, the plasma molecules start to get into motion, unify, expand, and react to push the existing body itself. This transformation of the glass brick wall to the plasmatic body makes it more interactive with other bodies around it. The new plasmatic body becomes sensitive to the real world and its environments. The parametric definition is based on this conception, extended into a geometric solution based on metaballs. After various experiments on the reactions of metaballs, a grid-based deformation is chosen.
Below are the cute initial sketches of Betül, along with screenshots and photographs of the actual installation.

I hope to upload videos and previous versions of this installation because I think metaball definitions hold great visual potential.