Pattern Deformations Student Works
Below is some student works from this year’s Architectural Geometry / Pattern Deformations assignment. Students developed their own pattern deformation sequences mostly on regular tessellations. Based on the classical Parquet Deformation exercise, we tried to implement a rule-based approach in order to explore emergent patterns. The exercise seems to reveal endless improvisation potential. The exercise requires students to design a pattern deformation on a 28cm by 28cm area. It should include at least 100 cells. First, we explained several classical Parquet Deformation examples. Then, we introduced several CAD commands in Rhino. Polyline, Trim, and Hatch are among those commands. After this, we studied how to draw regular tessellations such as square and hexagonal tessellations.
In addition, we taught some transformation commands such are scale and rotate. Then, the exercise became a testing platform for those skills. We asked students to think about a transformation rule, applied sequentially on the initial tessellation.
It is not only about the final result but the process. Therefore, we asked the students to prepare A3 posters that explain their transformation rules using Text and Arrowhead commands in Rhino. The Pattern Deformations student works you see below are some examples. The exercise took one week to complete as a homework assignment. I hope that it is useful in terms of rule-based systematic thinking and learning practical use of basic CAD commands and skills. This exercise is continued by a pattern deformation 3d exercise. Similarly, that exercise became a testing platform for the basic 3D modeling commands in Rhino.

The students are Ece Erdoğdu, Zehra Böhürler, Mısra Sonat Göz, Görkem Ünsal, Bengisu Aydos, and İdil Side Erdoğan.