Parametric Muqarnas Blocks
While reviewing past Grasshopper studies, I stumbled upon a Parametric Muqarnas study dating back 11 years. Although it shares numerous characteristics with a muqarnas design, it is not a perfect match. The Grasshopper definition used in that study was not particularly efficient, prompting me to revisit and improve it. This particular design presents various challenges, making it an excellent exercise for mastering Grasshopper. My goal with this study was to create Parametric Muqarnas Blocks suitable for 3D printing. To achieve this, I employed the boolean modeling approach I had previously studied. Exploring this aspect proved to be interesting, and I experimented with some unconventional designs recently.

This Grasshopper definition generates basic muqarnas-like structures on given input parameters. The path curve, the number of rows and columns, the height of the blocks, and the gaps between them are the input parameters. Moreover, it is possible to play with the domain values of the two sets that generate the initial 2d pattern. This makes the Grasshopper definition a great tool to explore different designs. The outputs of the definition are a set of closed polysurfaces for every muqarnas block of the design. Therefore, it generates data, suitable for 3d printing and molding. In addition, the definition also generates the 2D pattern of the muqarnas design. The whole code is developed by using native Grasshopper components. Thus, no add-ons are necessary for it to work.
You can rebuild the definition by looking at the definition and the explanation above. However, if you want to support this website by downloading my Grasshopper file; would you consider being my Patreon? Here is the link to my Patreon page including the working Grasshopper files for the Parametric Muqarnas Blocks and more. Thank you.