Parametric Modeling 2011 @ Istanbul Bilgi University
ARCH 362: PARAMETRIC MODELING: Undergraduate Elective Course at İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture

student exercise: Deniz Yazıcı (YTU/CADU 2008)
Digital paradigm transferred parametric modeling as an alternative conception in architecture, emphasizing a focal shift from the singularity of design artifacts to the explicit and generative process of designing. While architects start to experience the construction of algorithms, computers played an increasingly important role in the adaptation of this new conception utilizing design geometry. Architectural education also started to evolve to meet the requirements of this shifting paradigm. Scripting languages quickly became mainstream environments of generative design techniques as they allow designers to create and manipulate geometry over algorithms. Today, there are pedagogical and practical challenges to the use of algorithms in architectural design, as the computer puts not only a physical but also a cognitive layer between the designer and the subject. Formulation of this cognitive layer is becoming important, regarding which computing model is used to connect designers with the subject of design.
Scripting languages require an additional flow of control (procedures, classes, or functions fired sequentially), causing a cognitive layer that by nature, does not allow real-time manipulation of geometries. Since its definition as a new interface for algorithms, dataflow computing has found use in a wide range of programming languages. Dataflow became the most common computational model, especially for visual programming languages. Especially in the last decade, architectural design started to benefit from the potential of this interface as it incorporates well within the visual construction of design elements. This development leads to a new design domain along with a generation of design tools based on the flow of data. New design concepts such as associative geometry and parametric modeling became effectively rationalized by designers and the field of design computing has found a practical path of development. The Parametric Modeling course introduces contemporary digital design techniques within dataflow management. Students are expected to develop a literacy on computational models and re-construct this domain into their design processes.
While students become literate on particular modeling techniques, they are encouraged to develop consciousness and control over parametric modeling methods. This course aims to develop such consciousness in design education, as design computing is becoming one of the mainstream design domains, especially in architectural design.
By the end of this course, students will be able to explicate a design process using diagrams; define geometric objects over associations; construct parametric models of design processes; and generate results from them. They will be able to adapt and re-construct the theory and methods of digital paradigm into their design processes.
Students are expected to create and control NURBS objects in Rhino. Coding experience is not essential, but it would be helpful. Students should set up Rhinoceros and Grasshopper on their computers or laptop.
Students of architecture, interior design, and industrial design can attend this course. All experiments will be conducted through hands-on exercises in a computer laboratory. Physical models will also be created. The course will be held on Wednesdays, between 09:00-12:00 at the computer laboratory in the Faculty of Architecture (E3) at Santral Campus. At least %80 attendance is compulsory. Grades will be calculated as %50 for in-term assignments + course attendance and %50 for the final project.
WEB SITE will contain necessary documents, examples, links, and student projects. is the e-mail address of the course.
Issa, R.; (2010); “Essential Mathematics for Computational Design”, Robert McNeel&Associates, e-book
Khabazi, M.; (2009); “Algorithmic Modeling with Grasshopper”, e-book
Khabazi, M.; (2010); “Generative Algorithms using Grasshopper”, e-book
Kolarevic, B.; (2003); “Architecture in the Digital Age: Design and Manufacturing”, Taylor & Francis
Kolarevic, B.; Malkawi, A. M.; (2005); “Performative Architecture: Beyond Instrumentality”, Spon Press
Leach, N.; Turnbull, D.; Williams, C.; (eds.) (2004); “Digital Tectonics”, Wiley-Academy
Lynn, G.; (1999); “Animate Form”, Princeton Architectural Press
Mitchell, W. J.; (1990); “The Logic of Architecture: Design, Computation and Cognition”, The MIT Press
Payne, A.; Issa, R.; (2009); “Grasshopper Primer for version 0.6.0007”, e-book, Second edition
Pottmann, H.; Asperl, A.; Hofer, M.; Kilian, A.; (2007); “Architectural Geometry”, Bentley Institute Press
Terzidis, K.; (2006); “Algorithmic Architecture”, Architectural Press, Elsevier Science Ltd
The course is planned in two phases, divided by spring break (April, 4th). The first phase is a series of lectures and in-class workshops for an intensive beginning to parametric modeling in Grasshopper. The second phase is a contextually limited short-term design project, intended to re-construct the skills and techniques in the first phase as students’ design domains. The theme of the second phase is “timed surfaces” emphasizing the continuous evolution of parametric objects in space.
PHASE I Fundamentals of dataflow computing and material realization
(7 weeks; between February 15th-March 28th)
This phase introduces core skills and techniques required for generating, realizing, and representing geometric models based on computational methods. Abstract, relational, and inherent parameters of primary and complex entities will be studied. This module is supplied with a distance learning core, a web blog that keeps a record of in-class topics, tips, and working files as well as important links, galleries, student works, homework, and other contributions. Main topics related to design computing include; dataflow management, abstract parameters, design history, and explicit design processes. The main topics related to design geometry include; attractive entities, relational parameters, emergent forms, surface topology, and inherent parameters. Student assignments will include topics such as; grid design, types of input parameters, creating and manipulating data lists, ruled surfaces, differential manifolds, interlocking, and additive fabrication techniques. This phase includes supplementary course notes such as animation, sectioning, and labeling for laser cutting.
PHASE II “Timed surfaces”
(7 weeks; between April 11st-May 23rd)
The second phase is a student project on material systems based on the theory of animate form. Students will be asked to design a material system based on their design cognition constructed over the technical background of the first phase. These systems will be experimenting with designerly control over parametric objects, geometric and structural integrities, and material and spatial organizations.
“There are three fundamental properties of organization in a computer that are very different from the characteristics of inert mediums such as paper and pencil: topology, time, and parameters. These three properties should be discussed, beginning with the principles of topological entities, continuing with the implications that topological forms raise for the relationship between time and shape, and concluding with a discussion of statistics and parameters that can be stored in these timed surfaces.” … “The concept of an envelope of potentials either a single or a series of instances can be taken is radically different from the idea of a fixed prototype that can be varied…”
Lynn, G. 1999, “Animate Form”
15.02 course introduction / theoretical brief/questionnaire/examples / the website
22.02 explicit design process/dataflow and concurrent computing/history recording/diagrams and visual coding
29.02 data types, lists, and data trees/data tree manipulations
07.03 surface topology /geometric components/contour and component-based approaches
14.03 inherent parameters / topology + curvature + vectors / ruled surfaces / graph input
21.03 animated design outputs/timer operations/animation rendering
28.03 custom functions / C++ and scripts/introduction to data I/O
04.04 spring break/end of technical studies – the start of design conception
11.04 discussion of final projects / a: reading and preparing proposals
18.04 timed surfaces/project reviews/group + individual project proposals
25.04 timed surfaces/project reviews
02.05 first presentations
09.05 timed surfaces/animation revisions
16.05 timed surfaces/fabrication revisions
23.05 final presentations