Mirror by Curve

by Tuğrul Yazar | November 21, 2013 15:38

In today’s drawing class, we taught methods of drawing basic transformations by hand. Mirror was one interesting subject of that. However, then I opened Grasshopper and Rhino to test the effects of curved mirror planes. Unfortunately, I realized that there is already a curved mirror component in Grasshopper :(


Here is the Grasshopper definition: [GHX: 0.9.0061][1]


This might be one of the simplest ways of introducing generative deformations for design geometry.

  1. [GHX: 0.9.0061]: https://www.designcoding.net/decoder/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/2013_11_18-mirror.ghx

Source URL: https://www.designcoding.net/mirror-by-curve/