Macroforming WFC Shanghai
WFC Shangai is a design exercise in our first-year Design Computing class introduced by Onur Yüce Gün. This exercise emphasizes both analytical thinking and associative geometry and aims to utilize boolean operations as solid and void references in creating forms. We asked students to develop variations of this building. In order to discuss this formation in class, I studied a simple algorithm to test variations in real-time. The grasshopper definition can be downloaded from here [GHX: 0.9.0014]—the initial shape, developed by a boolean intersection of a rectangular prism and two giant spheres. Of course, first-year students manually explored positions and orientations of solid and void forms by creating reference points. Below is the Grasshopper definition to examine the macro-formation of WFC.

These diagrams can be found here. The current Grasshopper definition only creates the macro form without the “big hole”, floors, and basement.