This is another final project of the three-day workshop at YTU, named Infections.
A conceptual framework is developed by Bahar Aybudak (METU) and Zeynep Gür (ITU). The cellular forms come together to set the existing wall (host body). The wall represents the body structure, in which in case of any infection, various challenges could be seen in parallel with the immune system. The struggle with the mentioned infection is observed through various transformations in these cells. The location in which these transformations occur is not static but changes according to the infected area (lesion) of the body. Depending on the surrounding movements, some parts are becoming infected and lesions occur. Eventually, infections are pushed away from the cells in the lesion and a time-based recovery process starts. However, the host body isn’t the same anymore.
The parametric definition is based on the visual tools of Firefly. Here is the raw Grasshopper file if you want to try it out: [GHX: 0.9.0014]. It includes Firefly vision tools (Rhinoceros 5.0 64-bit is not supported).
The above ideas of the students are realized by implementing a history-based truncation process on a regular grid (see figures below). The truncation is associated with the movement vectors of Firefly. As it is a time-based algorithm, there are parameters such as “recovery” and “immune system”.

Hopefully, I’ll upload videos showing those responses better.