Knowledge Engineering in Architectural Education: Case Study of Sinan
Under the dust of 10 years; revisiting my master’s thesis;
This paper introduces research about the Computer Aided Instruction (CAI) tool which is based on the master thesis of Tuğrul Yazar from Yıldız Technical University (YTU) Faculty of Architecture Computational Design Graduate Program (BOM). The thesis is named “Expert Systems for Architectural Education: The Expert System of Sinan Mosques” and was completed in 2003 under the supervision of Dr. Birgül Çolakoğlu. YTU Department of Computer Engineering supported this research by assigning the graduation project of Ali Murat Akkan as programming the prototype software. The educational tool developed in this research aims to teach Sinan’s mosque architecture by visualizing hypothetical mosque designs.

The project is based on learning by doing as it is the primary pedagogical approach for the institutional education of architecture. The proposed algorithm has a data flow including input and output parameter sets processed simultaneously. The input data is defined by the choices of the user (student) with the counseling of the tool. This is based on a sequential question-answer progress that develops a hypothetical design of the typological subject (in our case, it is a hypothetical Sinan mosque). The output data is processed by the tool, creating a digital model of the design, calculating the realism value, and suggesting automatic parameter inputs. Some more images from the thesis:

Here is a short paper [PDF File], produced from the thesis (in English) if you still want to read it; and here [PDF File] is the full text of the thesis (in Turkish).
The funny part was the development of a computer tool, written by Ali Murat Akkan according to my algorithm definition. The tool was just a prototype but presented the possibilities of interdisciplinary work.

It is written in C (OpenGL library), and can be downloaded here (yes, still working!): [RAR File]. To conclude;
As an interactive educational tool, this system aims to teach Sinan’s structural configurations, and historical periods in mosque architecture. This interactive system offers endless dynamic combinations and experiences about Sinan’s design methodology. It transforms students from passive learners to active self-learners.