While searching for a way to work with random points and growing populations, this idea appeared accidentally. I wasn’t trying to mimic the behavior of Karyokinesis of biological cells (in fact I’m in serious doubt about biomimicry in general). The trick is to use a timer + data recorder + a knob for the arbitrary user input. It starts to breed when you start the timer, but to change the evolution speed, just roll the knob! Of course, the knob is as precise as in other input types, but somehow it looks fuzzier to me. Combined with a time-based change, it becomes even crazier! This looks like an example of real-time animation in Grasshopper, without the need for Kangaroo.

This Grasshopper definition generates an interactive animation visually resembling the cellular division. I created the parametric model in Grasshopper with native components. Thus, no add-ons are necessary for it to work. There is one VB.net script that is responsible for the timer component that re-runs the script every 20 milliseconds. The output of the model is a set of closed curves. Therefore, the outputs are ready for more exploration in Grasshopper. You can use this model further to investigate similar animations.

You can rebuild the definition by looking at the diagram above. The VB script includes if conditional for rs input and B=Second(now). However, would you consider being my Patreon if you want to support my website by downloading my working Grasshopper file? The link to my Patreon page includes the Grasshopper file for the Karyokinesis and more. Thank you for your support.