Growing an Architectural System
This paper covers ongoing research titled “Growing an Architectural System”. It is an interdisciplinary work relating permaculture studies with computational design and production technologies. It includes testing some issues of performance via full-scale prototypes.
Growing Pots is the first study we will mention in the paper. It is about the design of a micro-permaculture system and 3d printed products realized by students of an elective course. On the other hand, in the second part of the paper, we explain the first trial in the design-production process of Common-Action Walls, a prototype that we designed for a biennial. Moreover, the geometric research includes Gyroid and the production by 3D printing which will be used as molds. In summary, all of these attempts are efforts to develop a performative architectural approach. They involve time, adopt natural cycles, and perform as a mediator between people and nature, materials, and technologies.

This research process is based on associating landscape and permaculture design principles with computational design and production methods. Therefore, this research is based on 1:1 prototypes. This approach to architectural design research is transforming gradually. Because While “growth” is an indispensable concept for formations in nature as a concept that includes time and change, “growth of an architectural system” seems possible with digital technologies. Thus, this approach opens the door to research that can create new openings for architecture that is based on the calendar of nature, transforming and adapting, as well as the qualities of timeless and unchanging architecture.
Here is the rest of the paper (in Turkish)