Fractal Curves with Rhino Python

A simple Rhino Python script that generates fractal curves. An example is a test with the Gosper-Peano curve. However the script is not supporting segment directions, which is why the result is not the intended curve. Curve directions could be implemented in the future.
# Drawing Simple Fractal Curves # 31.07.2017 - Tugrul Yazar import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import copy initials = rs.GetObject("Select Initial Shape",4) referenceA = rs.GetPoint("Place Reference Point A") referenceB = rs.GetPoint("Place Reference Point B") iteration = rs.GetInteger("Enter Number of Iterations",3,1,10) if initials and referenceA and referenceB and iteration: if rs.CurveDegree(initials) > 1: rs.RebuildCurve(initials,1) shape = [] shape.append(initials) for i in range(iteration): segments = rs.ExplodeCurves(shape) rs.HideObjects(shape) new = [] for segment in segments: starts = rs.CurveStartPoint(segment) ends = rs.CurveEndPoint(segment) newsegment = rs.OrientObject(initials,[referenceA,referenceB],[starts,ends],3) new.append(newsegment) shape = copy.deepcopy(new) rs.HideObjects(segments) rs.ShowObjects(shape) else: print "Nothing done. One or more inputs were not defined"