Design Geometry Final Works
Classical folding methods were subjects to be tested and studied in this semester’s design geometry classes. This has been very useful in introducing first-year students to 3d euclidean constructions and using physical objects as references to a digital model. Groups of students studied different folding methods and made both physical and digital models. Two of these methods were dominant in the class however, one of them was the variations of Miura-Ori, and the other one was Ron Resch’s famous folding pattern. Below are some models students made during their research. I’ll post some topics about how to model these foldings manually in Rhino.

Students: Canan Gül, Cansu Başatıcı, Dila Kırmızıtoprak, Ecem Vanlı, Elham Kaya, Elnur Veliev, Esra Koç, Ezgi Yüksel, Göktuğ Balıkçı, İlkben Topaç, İsmet Bilgin, Kerem Yücel, Merve Dinli, Merve Kaptan, Oğuz Kaan Hiçyılmaz, Pembe Ülgen, Recep Buz, Saim Can Kuru, Seda Kasa, Sıla Yılmaz, Talha Tunahan Çetinkaya, Yıldırım Erbaz, Zehra Demir, Zeynep Ulusoy