Animated Tree Growth
The Animated Tree Growth is an interesting study for Grasshopper. First, I developed a regular tree generation definition similar to those I studied earlier, here, here, and here. In component group 1, I develop an initial generator arc. Then, in group 2, I generate the fractal tree by using iteration. I did this with the help of the Anemone add-on. The interesting and original part of this definition is group number 3. Here I am trying to trace the growth of the data tree. To do so, I start with a number slider, which has multiple effects. On one hand, it determines the displayed part of the tree. On the other hand, which point of the particular set of curves is evaluated and drawn. First, I thought that this would be easy. But it took several hours to complete.

This Grasshopper definition generates Animated Tree Growths with input parameters on the initial generation algorithm and the number of iterations. The Graph Mappers are my old method of exploring variations. Thus, it is possible to generate the variations of the classical curved trees and explore their growth process. Note that this definition requires the Anemone add-on installed.
You can rebuild the definition by looking at the definition and the explanation above. However, if you want to support this website by downloading my Grasshopper file; would you consider being my Patreon? Here is the link to my Patreon page including the working Grasshopper files for the Animated Tree Growth and more. Thank you.