Keywords of Architectural Geometry
Which keywords are the most popular, regarding contemporary architectural geometry?

Above is the analysis result for all 155k words of the famous book “Architectural Geometry” by H. Pottmann, A. Asperl, M. Hofer, and A. Kilian. Not many surprises though, this may be a starting point for research on today’s understanding of geometry in architectural design. You can click on the image to see the top 500 words mentioned in the book. It may be used to construct a conception and even some keywords could help begin a glossary of architectural practice today. Most of the words are not surprising of course but there are some interesting ones such as “helical”, “polyhedron” and “equation”. On the other hand, the keywords “parametric”, and “architecture” seem to be mentioned less than I expected.
Of course, counting the words alone does not answer any of our questions about the theory, and even it is not a scientific method to explain certain truths.