Coding the Dodecahedron
Here is a method for coding the dodecahedron and all its irregular variants in Grasshopper as quickly as possible. I utilized the golden ratio rectangles, usually used to construct the sister polyhedron, the icosahedron. However, the magic component of the Grasshopper, the Faceted Dome rescued me again to generate the dual of it, the dodecahedron. This is a special platonic solid, which has 12 regular pentagonal faces. There are several techniques that I generally prefer to use in Grasshopper. You will see them in the tutorial video. I tried to minimize the number of components, which was a good challenge for me. I hope you enjoyed and learned from this exercise. The animation shows the transition from a cube to a dodecahedron while keeping the faces planar.

This Grasshopper definition generates the regular dodecahedron and all its irregular variants. The input parameters are the two domains of the rectangles. For example, if both inputs are the same number, the result will be a regular dodecahedron. The output of the definition is the solid 3d model as a closed polysurface. Therefore, it is ready for 3d printing. The code is using native Grasshopper components. Thus, no add-ons are necessary for it to work.
You can rebuild the definition by looking at the definition image and watching the tutorial video. However, would you consider being my Patreon to support this website and download my working Grasshopper file? Here is the link to my Patreon page, including the Coding the Dodecahedron study file and more. Thank you for your support.