Recently I found this component in an old Grasshopper project. I am not sure if it is mine or not, but I wanted to share it with you. This code modifies Rhino viewport colors quickly without entering the Rhino options window. I frequently modify the viewport colors and grid settings to create renders or animations within Grasshopper. This is why, this component might be useful in making quick modifications […]
Posts categorized under Rhino Script
Here is a tattoo design I am currently developing by using Grasshopper. 11 years ago, I developed a Grasshopper definition that approximates Julia Sets here. One of the experimental outputs of that definition looks suitable for a tattoo design. It is a beautiful fractal shape. But I am not perfectly sure about its suitability for a tattoo. Here it is: This was generated by the function z2+c and the parameters […]
Based on this post, the problem of modeling tree-like fractal shapes is still a good question for the early years of computational design education. Last time, I used Rhino’s macro to study these fractal trees in an “impossibly” limited interface. But this time I used a script. Here is the code inside of the component: Here are the inputs. x is the number of iterations. The Crv input is […]
Recently, I returned to old fashion RhinoScripts in order to recapture its idea and functionalities again. After almost 10 years, this is my first experiment on creating a custom function that draws hexagonal grids. I tried to implement a fast process for it, however, there could be much faster ones. This script focuses on using functions, variables, and object arrays. I’ll continue to make more of these simple exercises and […]
Just a quick tip as I thought might be useful in some cases. Generating random numbers in architectural scripting is not a too catchy thing for designers. It is for sure, we want every parameter to be under our control (as if it were possible!). I was thinking about that in Grasshopper. A dataflow graph such as in Grasshopper regenerates whenever necessary (a change on an input value “fires” every […]
Today’s fractal is the famous Mandelbrot Set. The Mandelbrot set is a well-known and complex mathematical set often associated with fractals and chaos theory. Named after the mathematician Benoît B. Mandelbrot, it’s a set of complex numbers defined by a simple iterative process. The Mandelbrot set is an intricate and self-similar boundary, which reveals increasingly complex patterns at different magnifications. On the other hand, I heard the term “The fingerprint […]
Today’s fractal is the Julia Set, the amazing simplicity of chaos. There are lots of applets and articles on the internet about this fractal. You can generate this with the iteration of a basic function many times and placing points on the complex plane. I developed a Grasshopper implementation in 2012. Also, this was my first study on complex numbers. At each iteration, the detail level increases. I utilized a […]
This is the updated version of my MST code from 2012. After over a hundred hours of Rhinocommon and Grasshopper SDK studies, and lots of dead ends, I was finally able to calculate the minimum spanning tree of any given curve network in Grasshopper. Problems like these are interesting to me because of their clear logic and diverse areas of applications in design. I tried to simulate Dijkstra’s, Kruskal’s, and […]
I tried different approaches to drawing platonic solids using Grasshopper’s native components. However, it seems impossible now. In geometric definition, a platonic solid is a set of points, distributed on a sphere with equal distances. If the set contains 12 points, then it’s an icosahedron. I found lots of information about these objects and mathematicians seem to love analyzing them. They created different approaches to building an icosahedron. One of […]