While searching for a way to work with random points and growing populations, this idea appeared accidentally. I wasn’t trying to mimic the behavior of Karyokinesis of biological cells (in fact I’m in serious doubt about biomimicry in general). The trick is to use a timer + data recorder + a knob for the arbitrary user input. It starts to breed when you start the timer, but to change the […]
Posts categorized under Curves
Today’s fractal is the famous Mandelbrot Set. The Mandelbrot set is a well-known and complex mathematical set often associated with fractals and chaos theory. Named after the mathematician Benoît B. Mandelbrot, it’s a set of complex numbers defined by a simple iterative process. The Mandelbrot set is an intricate and self-similar boundary, which reveals increasingly complex patterns at different magnifications. On the other hand, I heard the term “The fingerprint […]
Today’s fractal is the Julia Set, the amazing simplicity of chaos. There are lots of applets and articles on the internet about this fractal. You can generate this with the iteration of a basic function many times and placing points on the complex plane. I developed a Grasshopper implementation in 2012. Also, this was my first study on complex numbers. At each iteration, the detail level increases. I utilized a […]
A Moebius strip, also known as a Moebius band, is a fascinating mathematical object and a type of non-orientable surface. It was discovered independently by the German mathematicians August Ferdinand Möbius and Johann Benedict Listing in the 19th century. To visualize a Moebius strip, imagine taking a long, narrow strip of paper and giving it a half twist before connecting its ends to form a loop. The result is a […]
I developed this code 13 years ago while learning the fundamentals of Visual Programming in Grasshopper. I was studying the ways of NURBS curve geometry. The animation shows the construction process of several Bezier Curves. In 2024, I optimized the code and added the thickness. The Flow Earring project showcases the beauty of parametric curves. The Grasshopper definition displays the animated construction process and the variations. The flow of the […]
Since the mid-20th century, the hyperbolic paraboloid surface has been one of the most popular mathematical forms for architects. Named Hypar in short, this is the Quadric Surface equation of the Hyperbolic Paraboloid. Erik Demaine summarizes several examples from architecture such as the roof of the Girls’ Grammar School in London (designed by Chamberlin, Powell, and Bonn), the Philips pavilion at the 1958 Brussels exhibition designed by Le Corbusier, and […]
This is my first post in designcoding, dated 14.11.2011. I revisited the code and decided to re-publish it in 2024. Hello World! This is the Emergent Polygons definition, one of the first Grasshopper studies I made while learning the language. This is a very efficient programming language for designers and architects since it utilizes geometric relationships very intuitively. I think it will be more popular and widely used in the […]