Camera Animation

by Tuğrul Yazar | April 28, 2014 23:33


Here is the simple Grasshopper definition [GHX: 0.9.0072][1] that activates Rhinoceros’ camera by given parameters. Camera position is determined by the “point-oriented” method here. This means that you have to have a target point for the camera first. In fact, I was trying to find a suitable command for getting the actual camera position of the Rhinoceros but I think it is impossible (for now). I couldn’t track the camera object by its ID number also. There are some Grasshopper components that deal with this issue, however.

The simple code inside the component creates a camera with given input points.  This code might also be useful to create a camera animation in Grasshopper.

  1. [GHX: 0.9.0072]:

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