Breaststroke Surface Revisited
Previous studies on trigonometric surface equations showed me an interesting alternative. This is the modification of the breaststroke surface definition. This time, I’m trying to fix the equation and change input values in a fashion that the waves of the surface are not symmetrical. Here are a few experiments on it;

(Size, 44.8, X=10, Y=5, animating X’s from 0 to 32)

(Size: 42, X=7, Y=5, animating X’s from 0 to 32)

(Size: 38.1, X=3, Y=5, animating X’s from 0 to 32)

The equation is (cos(y²) – sin((x/5)-y²)) * 10. This gives variable surface curvatures, and is even simpler and faster; so it is a better test surface than old equations. You can try the definition here. [GHX: 0.9.0014]