Bits and Pieces
Below are some of the student works from the 4th-week exercise Bits and Pieces of this semester’s Basic Design studio.

The gestalt notion of “figure-ground phenomenon” refers to the characteristic organization of perception into a figure that ‘stands out’ against an undifferentiated background. What is figural at any one moment depends on patterns of sensory stimulation. And on the momentary interests of the perceiver. Thus, the figure-ground relationship is an important element of the way we organize reality in our awareness, including works of art. Poets may rely on our habitual figure-ground organizations in extra-linguistic reality. This exploits our flexibility in shifting attention from one aspect to another. So as to achieve certain poetic effects by inducing us to reverse the habitual figure-ground relationships.
Tsur, R., 2000, Metaphor and Figure-Ground Relationship: Comparisons from Poetry, Music, and the Visual Arts

From a pedagogical point of view, this paragraph provides a clear and concise explanation of the gestalt notion. This is the “figure-ground phenomenon.” Then, it effectively introduces the concept by describing how perception is organized into a figure and a background. So, it acknowledges the role of sensory stimulation and the momentary interests of the perceiver. Therefore, I think that the Bits and Pieces exercise focuses on this issue. The studio instructors were Avşar Gürpınar, Aslı Aydın, Alper Derinboğaz, Benay Gürsoy, Can Sucuoğlu, Caner Bilgin, Deniz Manisalı Leba, Elif Erdoğan, Elif Ensari, Fulya Özsel Akipek, İdil Karababa, İnanç Eray, Koray Bingöl, Melike Altınışık, Nu r Gürbüz, Salih Küçüktuna, Şebnem Yalınay, and Tuğrul Yazar.