The Hose

The Hose is our last material system of 2014, designed and produced at the Computation-based Basic Design I studio section. We instructed this section together with Can Sucuoğlu and Birgül Çolakoğlu. This group of students succeeded in developing a flexible but strong connection detail. It allowed them to generate the desired macro form quickly. However, the overall look of the final composition should have been much better. Because, it was placed in a little hurry, due to the snow and heavy rains. However, the multi-layered research on the material, fabrication, connection details, and geometry was exciting. The Hose project was an interesting one. I believe that the students developing this project experienced the relationship between materials and geometry.
Over the years, we have been instructing groups of students in architecture, interior design, and industrial design. As a mixed group, the students are developing new ways to look at the materials and think about ways to make systems strong enough. The connection detail this group developed is an easy and smart one. However, the design of the connection detail and the overall geometry of the form is slightly random. This is an interesting discussion in the studio also. We are trying to explain to the students a multi-perspective way of looking at things and processes. It is the potential and consequences that the students should understand and act. I think that this Basic Design studio is a good environment for the students to open these discussions.

Students: Aslı Naz Çolakoğlu, Büşra Kılışlı, Emre Çincaner