Folded Plates: Basic Design Project
Below is one of the fourteen final projects of the freshman year Basic Design studio in İstanbul Bilgi University Faculty of Architecture.

The component is made of folded aluminum sheets. Students insist that this is the most optimal solution to the problem of polyhedra in a component-based structure. They experimented with this shape a lot and tried their best to make one that has similar triangular faces on different sides, so the component would drive the macro form in diverse directions.

Prototypes, trying to figure out the connection of multiple components to span a certain distance.

The final version. It is interesting to see that the final outcome is very attractive visually, but it also constitutes most of the concepts we explored in the studio. It might be seen as a random pile of sheets at first sight, but they convicted me that it is not.

They had to be precise and stable on the detail level and on the overall decisions, as they work with stable and solid material. However, they tried to use it as flexibly as possible. It is questionable that the balance between solids and voids would be studied more to see the limits of the component.
*Students: Baykal Önal, Zeki Cem İnal, Volkan Mengir, Anılcan Deboğlu, Ekin Önsel, Ayşe Akgün, Zeynep Gülerman, Mücahit Dinç, Muharrem Kurtuluş, Adem Onur Arslan, Ayberk Ağır
Click here for more information about the studio.