Archimedean Planters
Archimedean Solids are convex polyhedra with faces of regular polygons and vertex-transitive. There are 13 such objects (excluding prisms and antiprisms which are probably less exciting). In this study, I experimented with these solids and designed a family of planters. Since they are convex and look cool, I decided to give it a try. I call this algorithm Archimedean Planters. The first part of the definition deals with the generation of the chosen solid. A list will help the user to choose the solid. Then, the top and bottom planes are cut by a user-defined amount to make it stand still. So, you can design your Archimdean planter pot quickly. When you are happy with the result, just bake the object into Rhino and it is generated as a single closed polysurface, suitable for 3d printing.

This Grasshopper definition generates plant pots out of Archimedean solids. The input parameters are the size of the pot, the planter hole, the amount of cutting from top and bottom, and the input solid. Thus, it is possible to re-generate the classical designs found everywhere and explore new designs. The result is a closed polysurface (solid object). Therefore, it is ready for 3d printing and molding for plaster, concrete, etc. I made the definition with the help of the native Grasshopper components in Rhinoceros 7. So, no external add-on is necessary.
You can rebuild the definition by looking at the diagram above. However, I hardcoded the vertex coordinates into the code. Alternatively, you can install and use the Parakeet add-on to create them. Anyway, if you want to support this website by downloading my Grasshopper file, would you like to consider being my Patreon? The link to my Patreon page includes the working Grasshopper file for Archimedean Planters and more.