Animate Sketching of a Parametric Truss
Previous studies on the timer component were based on understanding its use. This time, I tried to implement it in a geometric design task. Moreover, manipulating the timer component to change the regular animation of parameters. Time does not have to be equally divided into sequences. Rather, new possibilities may emerge with different time flows. A simple triangulation system is developed with a potential manipulation, based on a timer. This definition is exciting and new for me because I’m not designing geometry here, rather I’m trying to manipulate the flow of time. We can set different graph inputs to slow down, speed up and stop the time, or reverse it, within a dynamic environment.

Here is the Grasshopper definition if you want to play with it. [GHX: 0.8.0066] (Don’t click, just right-click and save it on your computer) First animation shows a timer speed related to a sinus function, while the second animation is a Perlin noise function;

The overall look of the geometry is based on an idea by Nilüfer Kozikoğlu. A randomized method is used to create the initial truss and generates an infinite number of alternatives for a hypothetical truss system. It’s effortless to implement and fun to play with. This time the truss is not based on a subdivided reference surface, instead, it is constructed from a shortest points collection. Unlike Delaunay’s triangulation, this way seemed more exploratory and under control.