A simple Rhino Python script that generates fractal curves. An example is a test with the Gosper-Peano curve. However the script is not supporting segment directions, which is why the result is not the intended curve. Curve directions could be implemented in the future. # Drawing Simple Fractal Curves # 31.07.2017 www.designcoding.net – Tugrul Yazar import rhinoscriptsyntax as rs import copy initials = rs.GetObject(“Select Initial Shape”,4) referenceA = rs.GetPoint(“Place Reference […]
July 2017
Studied earlier in Grasshopper here, the sunflower spiral or Phyllotaxis, or Fibonacci’s spiral could be drawn as an exercise of looping in Rhino Python. According to ChatGPT: Phyllotaxis is the arrangement or patterning of leaves, flowers, or other plant parts around a stem or axis. Thus, it refers to the specific geometric arrangement of these structures in plants. The term “phyllotaxis” comes from the Greek words “phyllon” (meaning “leaf”) and […]
This Rhino Python code calculates the cross-product determinant used to determine the orientation of three points (current, next_point, and point) to see if they form a left turn or a right turn. This is a well-known technique in computational geometry to check the relative orientation of points. In this script, the direction is the cross-product determinant that determines the relative orientation of the points. If the result is negative, the […]
Boris Nikolayevich Delaunay was a Russian mathematician and mountain climber. He developed the Delaunay triangulation, which is a method in computational geometry. It is a triangulation of a set of points such that no point is inside the circumcircle of any triangle formed by the points. It’s widely used in computer graphics and mesh generation. In 2013, I made the brute force code in Rhino Python which is a slow […]
Exercising the “folding” process of a nine-faced solid. Start from its net, and analyze the matching edges. Then, use sphere intersections to calculate the rotation angles. Visit here for more information about this solid: http://aperiodical.com/2013/10/an-enneahedron-for-herschel/
This python code proves how much effort it takes to create a simple hexagonal tessellation. There are, of course, much easier and faster methods than this. But here you see a code that introduces students to Rhino Python. Using this code, a new Rhino command can be generated, and for the first time in Rhino, we can have a command that creates a hexagonal grid. I followed this tutorial to […]